Friday, January 26, 2007


I haven't journalled for a couple of days.. not much to report.

WEIGHT: I have stayed the same for the last couple days.. ankles a little swollen..hmmmmm
MEDS: No changes..Tylenols, Prevacid, Folgard, Plavix, Dyazide x2...oh, and Robitussin too..
FLUID INTAKE: It's nearly 8pm.. I've actually had 3 cups of coffee today and am working on #2 bottle of water
LOW SODIUM INTAKE grapes, banana, barley soup, peanut butter sandwich, handful of Oriental snack crackers.
THE PLAN:I really need to move my consumption of water up another notch. I'm so lazy about drinking it.

1 comment:

Jthemilker said...

Hello - did you fall off the wagon? Or are you still with us on this journey?