Saturday, November 25, 2006


The scales usually tell all..... but I haven't gained a pound over this holiday..WOO HOO !!! Considering I ate chocolate and goodies, but not excessively. I was careful to have only what I really liked.. a tiny piece of cheesecake and 4-5 chocolate dipped strawberries. I ate a bunch of berries.. but those are pretty good for the diet anyway.
On my feet a bit and my feet are again swollen.. ugh. Never ending battle with the feet. Likely the salt in ham, veggie pizza, and of course, the chips I ate..though not many.. just a couple makes for havoc for me.

So..... gotta watch closer and move a bit more.. back to crunches every morning.
I've been missing my breakfast every morning too.. for about 4 days worth. I don't get fueled well so I don't eat well much of the rest of the day.
I need water again.. that slows me down too.
On to tomorrow......... !

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